2009/1/15 Mark Sciabica <msciab...@itracs.com>

>  Hi Gazi,
> It is true that OSG differs from your literature. That does not make OSG
> incorrect. In fact, the literature wasn't always dominated by the format
> you're promoting.

Hi Mark,

It's not just my literature, it's the dominant one that anyone starting to
learn about computer graphics today is exposed to. But you are right, it
seems the history had its debates.

> This link 
> http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/math/matrix/column-vec.htmlprovides some 
> history on the matter.

Great link to bookmark, thank you. It's interesting to see all the past
debate and origins of this.

> One format isn't correct, and the other incorrect. It's simply a
> convention, and one needs to be aware of the convention used in the context
> in which one is working. OSG assumes row vectors while OpenGL assumes column
> vectors, but OSG (like C++) uses row-major ordering while OpenGL uses
> column-major ordering. This combination makes OSG binary compatible with
> OpenGL but not notationally compatible. Perhaps binary compatibility and
> ease of coding was the reason for the convention chosen, or it could be
> other historical factors. We would have to get that answer from Robert.
> Whatever the reason, that's the convention OSG uses and it's in no way
> 'incorrect'.

I know, I should deal with it:). It's "incorrect" according to the sources I
mentioned, calling it just "incorrect" would be unfair. The implementation
reason is ease of coding of the matrix class.
the way c arrays are stored as the reason for this choice and agrees that
the choice was not in compliance with most books and the OpenGL manual. They
just wanted to be able to push the two dimensional array directly to OpenGL.
However, not abstracting this out in the matrix class, in my opinion, was
unfortunate. One way is to store them the way OpenGL does but treat them
logically the way OpenGL manual treats them in the class functions, which
would be the "right" way if OpenGL is right (implementation and
documentation-wise). A simple "the first index is the column and the second
index is the row" rule does this. Or, avoiding a two dimensional array, thus
not giving any inherent meaning to indices, and treating the one dimensional
array as a matrix stored in column-major order in the functions of the
matrix class would be even less error-prone. OGRE does it by flipping
indices in its matrix multiplication code and warns the users about the
matrix notation:

I believe this issue has to be actively documented in the OSG API reference,
too. Just like it should be actively documented that operator precedence for
^ and + is not the way it is in maths for cross product and addition of

> Direct3D (and presumably any literature directed to it) uses the same
> row-vector convention as OSG so it's hard to convincingly paint OSG as some
> maverick API in this context.

The whole point I'm trying to make is that *this is unexpected for a good
number of people and should be actively documented in the API so that people
don't suffer*. My intention was not to defame OSG in any way and I don't
think I did that. I pointed out the disparity and that this could be a
reason for a bug (reply to Chris), and that this is not a non-issue (replay
to Paul). I'm sorry if it sounded any other way.

All is for less bugs and less headache for everyone. I swear, I love OSG and
its community.



> Regards,
> Mark
> Gazi Alankus wrote:
> A correct transformation matrix (which is a 2D entity) according to math
> literature:
>  R11 R12 R13 Tx
> R21 R22 R23 Ty
> R31 R32 R33 Tz
> 0 0 0 1
>  That matrix stored in column-major order in 1D memory:
>  R11 R21 R31 0 R12 R22 R32 0 R13 R23 R33 0 Tx Ty Tz 1
>  That matrix stored in row-major order in 1D memory:
>  R11 R12 R13 Tx R21 R22 R23 Ty R31 R32 R33 Tz 0 0 0 1
>  If these are the things you dispute, that is an easier argument to deal
> with. Otherwise my response follows:
>  2009/1/15 Paul Fotheringham <osg_u...@yahoo.co.uk>
>  [...]
>>  Eh? By what definition exactly?
> http://fly.cc.fer.hr/~unreal/theredbook/appendixg.html<http://fly.cc.fer.hr/%7Eunreal/theredbook/appendixg.html>
> http://www.opengl.org/documentation/specs/man_pages/hardcopy/GL/html/gl/translate.html
> http://www.opengl.org/documentation/specs/man_pages/hardcopy/GL/html/gl/rotate.html
>  Rotation matrix order:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
>  Which is the order in the OpenGL man pages. If you create a simple
> rotation matrix in OSG and compare it to there, you'll see that it's
> transposed according to this definition.
>>  OpenGL is neither row-major or column-major.
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order
>  You can't store a well-defined multidimensional entity in one dimensional
> storage and say it's neither. If you do, the definition of the
> multidimensional entity becomes open to interpretation. Which actually is
> not, as explained in the next paragraph.
>> It treats a transformation matrix as 16 floats, nothing more. Only when
>> one imposes a 4x4 structure of rows and columns on the 16 numbers does one
>> then encounter the question "Which way shall I order them?". At that point
>> you choose row-major or column-major as the description of how your data is
>> stored in the matrix.
>  Yes, and the definition of the matrix multiplication operator in OSG
> makes it clear that the first index of the array is rows and second index is
> columns. Also if you look at the code closely, the first index is always
> referred to as rows. So, when you treat the indices as such, you see that
> the matrix being stored is actually a transposed version of a transformation
> matrix. Hence, you have to treat them as transposed transformation matrices
> to get your math right.
>> > There is no such
>> > thing as
>> > "row-major matrix" since matrices are
>> > mathematical entities that have
>> > nothing to do with storage.
>>  Yes there is, I've just described it above. It's storage that has nothing
>> to do with it i.e. OpenGL's view of it as 16 numbers, it's how you construct
>> your mathematical entity, your matrix, that imposes one view or the other.
>  You don't construct the mathematical entity of transformation matrices
> based on how OpenGL stores matrices. The mathematical definition in the
> literature is clear, which is also used in the OpenGL man pages when talking
> about transformation matrices.
>  I know it sucks, but it's just the way it is.
> -Gazi
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