HI Paul,

There is pkg-config support in CMake, but I don't know how flexible it is.

BTW, what happens on your Gentoo system?  Does the half found XUL
cause a build failure or does the gecko plugin simply not compile?


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Paul Melis
<osg-us...@assumetheposition.nl> wrote:
> I just noticed (on a Gentoo system) that not all of the parts of XUL are
> found by CMake.
> Some of the include directories and libraries are not among the ones in
> FindXUL.cmake.
> There does seem to be pkg-config support for it though:
> # nsEmbedAPI.h
> pkg-config libxul-embedding --cflags
> # jsapi.h
> pkg-config xulrunner-js --cflags
> # prtypes.h
> pkg-config xulrunner-nspr --cflags
> Does CMake have support for parsing the output of pkg-config?
> Paul
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