Hi all,

I created a TOC list ( 
http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/TracNav/list ) to help 
maintenance (No page points to it yet).
These are maybe dumb questions, but:
- Should we create a page about how to maintain the wiki (such as an improved 
version of Community/WikiLogIn)?
- Is this a good idea to add "[[TracNav(TracNav/TOCmain)]]" (or the TOC of the 
section) on every page ?
- Each TOC puts its section at the begining, changing the order of sections. 
And I find it confusing. Anyone having an argument for this, or can I change it?

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Le Thu, 19 Feb 2009 10:21:11 +0100, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> a 

> Hi Sukunder,
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Sukender <suky0...@free.fr> wrote:
>> I noticed the menu on the Trac wiki (on the right - yellow background) isn't 
>> the same for every page. It there a way to ensure the menu is up-to-date 
>> without having to change every page?
> The menu is manually created, and it not that same for each page.  To
> keep things in sync one has to edit the menu and add the appropriate
> items.
> Robert.
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