Hi all, 
because a have not a lot of experences with OSG so I have stil some problems 
and now i try my best to desribe two of them.

first q:
I have got in a root group tree nodes
1st - the scene (cca 300 triangulates+7 types of textures )
2nd - the tank t72-tank_des.flt
3rd - the personal car (very simple cca 200 triangulates)
two cameras - one is fulscreen, the second is small rectangle in the midle of 
the screen on the top. 

Could you you explain me why the view is discontinuous (the quality is very(!) 
terrible) ?
I have found that when I'am using the only camera - like fullscreen, the 
discontinous view can be "removed" by these function viewer->startThreading(); 
- the quality is absolutely briliant!
Could you explain me what does it mean "threading", this word is in a 
dictionary - of course, but i would like to know what does the function do in 
osg. - or what does it "looking after" ...

second q:
Why does a nodes take so long to load?  For example - first node the scene 
takes in Vega cca 3-4 seconds and now in OSG it takes cca 15 sec.
(The one our big scene cca 20 000t is loaded by 10sec in Vega, but in Osg it 
takes almost 1 min)

pc config:
cpu: Intel 3.2Ghz
Grapic card: GeForce 7600GT/PCI/SSE2, 256MB ram, silent pipe
Monitor resolution: 1280x1024
rendering test by OpenGL Extension Viewer 3.0:
1.1 109 FPS
2.0 104 FPS
2.1 066 FPS

Thanks a lot for your replies.

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