So far so good. The culling works as expected. I can now define a custom active 
invisible area and the picking works with it. Unfortunately it did not quite 
tackle my problem with dragging.

The question have now: How do I manually intersect a ray with the x/y-plane of 

The problem I have is that when I drag an object, the mouse pointer (in my case 
it is actually one of multiple touches) momentarily leaves it within one frame 
and the move handler that adjusts the new location is never called.

My first approach was to increase the active area so that this does not happen 
but this leads to all kinds of problems and is not fully robust, conceptually 
speaking. Instead I would like to do the following:

Objects get clicked on, I do normal picking. On mouse drag and up I do manual 
ray intersection with the entire x/y plane of the object that got the mouse 
down previously. This way the object never miss out on the drag/up.

So how do I manually intersect a ray with the x/y-plane of geode?


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