Hi Marco,

No OpenGL ES 1.x code has been checked in yet, but there have been
successful trail ports to OpenGL ES 1.x.  Next week I'll just so
happen to be with a client interested in this side of work, although
not related to the iFamilyOfProducts, so hopefully we'll be able to
come up with clearer strategy for getting OpenGL ES 1.x support
integrated into the core OSG.

The likely approach will be to initially start with a branch in our
svn repository for the port to OpenGL ES, and then have me refactor
svn/trunk to step by step pull in the changes till we have svn/trunk
compatible with OpenGL ES 1.x and then later with openGL ES 2.x.

The time frame is difficult to pinpoint right now as it depends on
various different groups coordinating work as well just how quickly
the technical challenges are surmounted.  I would hope that we could
see a OpenSceneGraph-2.12 release (the next stable release after the
imminent OSG-2.10 release) with OpenGL ES 1.x support this autumn.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Marco Lohse<mlo...@motama.com> wrote:
> Since this is my first post: First of all, thank you for osg!
> We would be interested in a OpenGL ES 1.1 version for running our osg based 
> applications on iPhone / iPod touch using Open GL ES 1.1
> I found some references saying that there will be support for this platform. 
> Now, I would like to know what the current status is, what still needs to be 
> done, etc. I would also be interested in knowing the current status and plans 
> for Open GL ES 2.0 (for the latest iPhone versions).
> We are willing to help with beta-testing, and - depending on the current 
> status - also to do some coding.
> I would appreciate your comments
> Thank you! Marco
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=15037#15037
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