Hi Vincent,

Delta3D uses cppunit, and we've been using this library as well for our unit tests. It offers nice macros to run and check the tests, makes it easy to launch a whole suite of tests or only a part of them (via namespace) and optionally prints results on an xml file, besides the console.
I haven't tried the other libs thouhg, so I cannot make comparisons.

On 20/07/2009 8.45, Vincent Bourdier wrote:
Hi Pierre,

Are you talking about googleTest, unittest++ or cppunit ?


2009/7/19 Pierre BOURDIN <bour...@imerir.com <mailto:bour...@imerir.com>>

    Bonjour Vincent,

    2009/7/17 Vincent Bourdier <vincent.bourd...@gmail.com
    > Hi, thanks for the answers !!
    > Philip, changing the option works, but the linker make a lot of
    warnings :
    > http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5ske5b71(VS.71).aspx
    that is very
    > annoying...
    > So I don't know if I will keep this one or not...
    > unittest++ seems good, and cppunit too (if anyone have feedback
    on the last
    > one ...)

    I've note use it myselff, but I know Delta3D is using it. So if you
    want some examples, look at it. They use it with cmake so it should be
    easy to adapt to your project hopefully.

    > Don't know exactly what to choose...
    > See you later if I found the good one, still earing if you have
    any advices.
    > Thanks.
    > Regards,
    >    Vincent.

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