Rick Pingry wrote:
Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies. I can do those, but both answers concern me a bit.
The idea of needing to modify the osgDB/Registry.cpp file directly does not 
make sense to me.  Why should I need to recompile the OSG source to get a 
plugin working?  Isn't that the purpose of plugins to NOT have to modify and 
recompile the original source code?

Right, but the Registry doesn't know which plugin to load, except by the file extension. The only other way to resolve the extension->plugin mapping is to do the pre-load step that Ulrich mentioned. That way, the plugin is resident and can answer to the chain of responsibility.

I wonder if I couldn't add the line to my own plugin source code, but I have a feeling it wouldn't 
work because I bet the plugin does not get loaded at all, and therefore the 
addFileExtensionAlias("csg", "nsm"); would not get called either.

Right, this wouldn't work because your plugin most likely wouldn't be loaded yet.

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