I am interested in creating a small OSG programs that will read in a model of 
whatever type and then render screen captures that would mimic a 360 rotation 
around the model. I would imagine this would be rather simple to write but my 
days of writing C++ are rusty at best and my initial attempts have proved to be 
fruitless (got a bunch of gray screen captures).

The basic idea is that I could run a command line program with one argument 
(the path to the model) and have that do the stepping, say 36 steps of 10 
degrees each, taking a screen capture at each step and outputting the sequence 
to JPG or PNG (i.e. model01.png, model02.png, ...).

Are there any kind souls out there that could help me with such a task or know 
of something that already may do such a thing?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Wally Atkins

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