HI Himar,

I don't recall the details, but CompositeViewer and Viewer should
behave the same w.r.t lazy frame rendering, so perhaps something is
missing from the CompositeViewer side.  I'm not at a dev computer
right now so can't check the code.

As for adding public hooks to requestRedraw flag, this should already
be accessible.  The GUIActionHandler is what handles this, again I
don't have the source code in front of me, but have a dig through
include/osgViewer to see which classes subclass from it, I think it's
osgViewer::View or ViewerBase.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Himar Carmona <himarcarm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>     recently (developer version 2.9.5) i noticed that the implementation of
> checkNeedToDoFrame in both Viewer and CompositeViewer have different
> conditions. Viewer checks if the camera has an UpdateCallback or if any node
> has an UpdateCallback, while CompositeViewer doesn't. Is there a rationale
> behind that?
>     I'm asking about it because we use rendering on demand and all went ok
> until we needed to render based upon the manipulator behavior, i.e. upon the
> flag _requestRedraw. We didn't use checkNeedToDoFrame, instead we check for
> events and databasepager request (like checkNeedToDoFrame). But now we need
> to check _requestRedraw, but it is protected and there isn't any getter to
> get its value, so we change the code to call checkNeedToDoFrame. But this
> method return true if there is any UpdateCallback. Unluckily, we have many
> UpdateCallbacks and the end result is a continuous render (not what we want,
> and this problem is aggravated due to the high cpu consumption of the
> render, perhaps related to NVIDIA's active waiting).
>    I'm searching for a way to implement a method similar to
> checkNeedToDoFrame out of the Viewer,
>          - is there an alternate way to test if requestRedraw is set? How
> about adding a getRequestRedraw method to ViewerBase ? Will it have any
> implications or side effects?
>          - do we need to check for UpdateCallbacks? In our case, we use
> Updatecallbacks to check an external condition, they do nothing 90% of the
> time.
>          - does the implementation of checkNeedToDoFrame need to be
> different between Viewer and CompositeViewer or is this a bug?
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Himar.
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