
Well, now I don't understand the different between your loader/saver and your 
.modifyterrain and your "pseudo loader/saver

I suppose your "what-elevation-should-I-put-here" LOADER callback is for 
modifying terrain on the fly during visualization

What ist your callback SAVER for?= creating terrain with VPB?

I think the problem is divided in to seperate aspects:
a) building an interface to OSG / VPB to modify terrain elevation
b) more or less sophisticated algorithms to determine what the desired 
elevation of a specifiy coordinate should be ( maybe only lifting/sinking, mybe 
smoothing like osgTDS does)

Is your available code now compatible with osg 2.9.5, oder is it any old styled 
(you mentioned something abould a code which hast to be adapted)

The background of my project:

I develope a visualization for flight simulators, focused on research 
I am allowed to publish the whole project as open source, so when I'm finished, 
i will post it as a new nodekit. The porject is different from flightgear, 
because it is focused on the aspects of a flightsimulator, not a game ( 
framerate,, lights must be specific, multichannel projection with softedge 
blending, HAT/HOT/Collision query interface,etc.etc.etc.)

The data like airports and orthophoto is of course commercial und won't be 
posted in any way, but maybe screenshots...

The terrain modification is requiered because the airports need to be settled 
at flat

so my problem consist of two aspects;
a) interface to osg/VPB to control elevation
b) algorithm to determine my desired algorithm. Just setting the elevation to a 
constant value is NOT enough because surface is curved and would cause an 
elevation error of about 4m on a 10km long airport.

Because my project is academic, I have no budget for developement work, but I 
would like to participate work packages to create an open source solution of my 

If you introduce me in your solution of the elevation modifikation, I'll try to 
implement a solution for the question how height area must be.

Best regards,


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