Hi Dat,

On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Nguyen Tien Dat <tienda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I doubt that this is the refresh rate of the monitor, not the
> real frame rate. How could I avoid the "sync-to-vblank" thing, so that
> I can have the actual frame rate?

It *is* the actual frame rate.  This is a good thing, it means that
the app is doing just fine, in visual simulators the goal that we all
strive for is hitting the display refresh rate on every single frame.

Now... if you are doing certainly types of performance profiling you
might want to switch of vsync so you can look at the maximum frame
rates you application+database is capable of doing on that hardware +
application behavior.  It should be just a quick look when
benchmarking though, as soon as the benchmarking to look at something
specific about performance you should switch vsync back on.  Rember
hitting vsync on every frame is the real goal that you should be
striving for, the maximum frame rates with vsync off is really a false
goal which can lead you to make poor decisions on your database and

To switch off vysnc use your driver control panel.

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