I would store the x and y rotations as separate variables. Use them to compute a single Matrix when you need to update. Test for identity by checking to see if your x and y variables fall within an epsilon range of zero.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
_http://www.skew-matrix.com_ <http://www.skew-matrix.com/>
+1 303 859 9466

Ümit Uzun wrote:
Hi All,

I have a problem about rotating one MatrixTransform node with 2 different Matrix which one of responsible for rotation on X by osg::X_AXIS and one of responsible for rotatin by osg::Y_AXIS. I have done some rotation to MT node but after this operations I am waiting to get Identity matrix for MT which has Identity matrix in initial state.
Some psudo codes;

// Initial states
osg::MatrixTransform* MT;
MT->setMatrix( osg::Matrix::identity() );
osg::Matrix ang1 = osg::Matrix::identity();
osg::Matrix ang2 = osg::Matrix::identity();

// Updates done with this codes
ang1.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Quat(osg::DegreesToRadians(10.0f), osg::X_AXIS))); ang2.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Quat(osg::DegreesToRadians(10.0f), osg::Y_AXIS)));

MT->setMatrix(ang2 * ang1);

if I rotate my MT by above code; model rotated on Y by localCoordinate axis and rotated on X fixedCoordinate axis. But I wanted to rotate on X local coordınate axis too.

If I use one matrix to update rotation;
// Initial states
osg::MatrixTransform* MT;
MT->setMatrix( osg::Matrix::identity() );
osg::Matrix ang1 = osg::Matrix::identity();

// Updates done with this codes
ang1.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Quat(osg::DegreesToRadians(10.0f), osg::X_AXIS))); ang1.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Quat(osg::DegreesToRadians(10.0f), osg::Y_AXIS))); ang1.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Quat(osg::DegreesToRadians(-10.0f), osg::X_AXIS))); ang1.preMult(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Quat(osg::DegreesToRadians(-10.0f), osg::Y_AXIS)));


With above code I can rotate my model X and Y local coordinate axis. But this code has lack too.

After apply positive and negative way rotation I am waiting to get IdentityMatrix but after all rotation operation my MT->getMatrix() give me different from IdentityMatrix. I think I should use inverse matrix instead of negative direction rotated matrix to rotate -X or -Y direction. Could it solve my problem or not?

By these 2 rotation operations my main goal is that; I want to rotate MT by X and Y local coordinate system. And after all rotations I can get initial state of MT. I mean I apply to many rotation transformation to my unique node and after all dual(for X and -X or for y and -Y with unordered queue) operation I want to get first initial matrix for my MT node.

I know this is not hard operations, but I am unstable about choosing which one is right way.
I appreciate any comments.

Ümit Uzun


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