Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
Hi all,

I just wanted to mention that unless I'm mistaken, there's a pretty good OSG presence in the January/February issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Two articles have been co-authored by members of this list:

Dynamic Terrain for Multiuser Real-Time Environments
Christopher Ellis, Pavel Babenko, Brian Goldiez, *Jason Daly* and Glenn A. Martin, University of Central Florida.

We All Live in a Virtual Submarine
Paul Chapman, Glasgow School of Art; *Kim Bale*, University of Hull; Pierre Drap, Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, Marseille.

Now, I'm not 100% sure that in the first one, the Jason Daly is the same as on this list (I think so but I may be wrong), but the second article talks about the VENUS project so I'm 100% sure Kim Bale is the same one :-)

Congrats to Jason (if I'm not mistaken) and Kim, both are excellent articles. There's even a mention of OpenSceneGraph and some screenshots of osgOcean in there :-)

Hi, J-S,

Yeah, that's me, thanks for the spotlight  :-)

I ported some work we did back in the early 90's from Performer to OSG and got it to run on our big cluster (though just on one node so far). We're hoping to take it farther and handle dynamic terrain updates to much larger terrain databases and large numbers of entities using multiple cluster nodes. The paper was mainly about the architecture we designed for this work. Hopefully, the funding will hold up for the full implementation and testing :-)


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