Hi Danny,

I would like to do the following:

1) To disable static counter on the output file name and alway overwrite the 
last file.

2) Save this file in custom path on hard drive.

How can set these option to ScreenCaptureHandler?

If you look at the osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers header, you'll see the ScreenCaptureHandler constructor takes an optional CaptureOperation:

  ScreenCaptureHandler(CaptureOperation* defaultOperation = 0,
                       int numFrames = 1);

You could implement your own CaptureOperation if you wanted, it's really simple, but the one concrete CaptureOperation that is provided should do what you need just by changing some default parameters. Check the ScreenCaptureHandler::WriteToFile class:

  WriteToFile(const std::string& filename,
              const std::string& extension,
              SavePolicy savePolicy = SEQUENTIAL_NUMBER);

So you see, by constructing a WriteToFile with your desired filename (and path) and setting savePolicy to OVERWRITE instead of SEQUENTIAL_NUMBER, you'll get what you want. Then just pass this WriteToFile to the ScreenCaptureHandler constructor.

I designed WriteToFile to cater to the most common needs, and your needs seem to fit these.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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