
I am currently in the process of doing a test port of an OSG application we 
have here to Odroid - ODROID_WEBSITE. It is basically an entertainment device 
built on top of Android 2.1.

While going through the Android toolchain documentation for the latest NDK 
(rev3) I noticed two critical points.

No standard C++ library support:

The Android 1.5 system does not use any C++ standard library, and does
not provide one to applicative native code. Instead, a very limited set
of headers are provided (see docs/STABLE-APIS.TXT) which correspond to
the C++ support code used to build the Android platform.

It is possible to hack existing C++ STL implementations to work on top
of this, but this is not supported yet. We recommend trying with uSTL
and STLport at this point if you really need this.

No support for C++ exceptions and RTTI:

The Android 1.5 system image lacks several features necessary to reliably
implement C++ exceptions and RTTI. C++ code that depends on these features
will simply not link or run appropriately on Android 1.5

I'm curious if anyone has worked with Android's NDK and OSG and has a work 
around or other ideas.

I found WEBSITE_WITH_PATCH which adds exceptions, STL and RTTI but reading 
through the android google groups people are having issues with it.


ps: Sorry I can't post the full URL due to the forums spam filters (You must 
have 2 posts before you can post URL's/Links.)

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