Greetings and Salutations to the OpenSceneGraph community,

Just a First Heads up for the OpenSceneGraph BOF at SIGRAPH 2010 in LA.
Please add to the Latest Community News on the website...:)

Start thinking of participation! Prepare your advanced presentations!

I organized the Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting early enough so that it
received a fairly reasonable time slot. The morning of the day of the OpenGL
BOF. The morning was chosen after getting some feedback from the community
which seemed interested in it not overlapping with the OpenGL BOF. The
OpenGL BOF is put on by Khronos in the late afternoon and they give out free

Note: Because I organized it early, it will be listed in the program guides.
Also, it will be listed on the SIGGRAPH kiosk. This is about as much free
advertisement as you get at SIGGRAPH.

Computer Graphics for Simulation BOF
Los Angeles Convention Center [Room TBA by the SIGGRAPH BOF staff]
Wednesday, July 28, 2:30PM - 3:30PM ( to see the
official listing)

OpenCL BOF is Tuesday [Khronos late afternoon and probably free beers] but
overlaps with the COLLADA BOF. WebGL {Khronos late afternoon and possibly
more free beers} on Thursday. The Blender meetings are Monday. Most of the
Web3D meetings do not overlap [Tuesday (Carto, X3D/HTML5, X3D Medical) or
Thursday (X3D CAD, X3D members)]. So, in general OpenSceneGraph BOF does not
overlap with other BOF's of interest. That is nice.

The Basic Conference [the inexpensive registration] has certain events. The
Poster sessions do not overlap with OSG. You can see the posters all week.
The Research Challenge does not overlap with OSG. The Keynote Speakers are
Monday and Tuesday. Exhibition, Sandbox, Studio and Emerging Technologies
are all week. So you have plenty of time to take in all the technology and
still ATTEND THE OSG BOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John F. Richardson

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