Hi All

I've recently got my hands on a little android tablet capable of OpenGL ES
2.0, finally. The Archos 43, seems like it's comparable to an IPod touch 4th
gen and pretty cheap (well compared to a Galaxy).


Well I'm currently un employed due to illness so thought a good way to fill
some time would be to begin porting OSG onto Android. I did a lot of the
work on the IOS port (Which I really enjoyed) so feel I have a good idea of
what the hurdles will be.

I've seen this post in the past by Robert,


I like the sound of the QT port as that could help lead to a Symbian port
also. What progress if any has anybody made?

I'd like to try and make this a public effort from the get go by setting up
either a google code or github project (I like google code but I know github
to be good for keeping up to date with osg trunk changes).

I'm still working on running my first ndk based ogl app, so I've a little
way to go before I can fully start, but just wanted to get the ball rolling.
Think my first task will be to see if the QT port has all the Open GL
features we require. If so I'll spend some time looking how they did it and
report my findings.

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