Hi Josue & Morad,

Here is a newbie explanation :

   - First time, you need to know that the *osgDB *library provides access
   to a lot of 2D and 3D files ( like .fbx ), by managing several *osg *
   - You intend to use an fbx file, so you need to check if the plugin "FBX
   reader/writer" is correctly installed.
   - In second, the following snippet enable to load the scene graph of an
   fbx file:

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> root = osgDB::readNodeFile( fbxFile )

   - Then, locate the *AnimationManager *you want to use either *Basic *or *
   Timeline*, according to your necessity.

 [image: a02292.png]

   - the best way is to use the design pattern Visitor, already implemented
   in *osg::NodeVisitor*.

struct AnimationManagerFinder : public osg::NodeVisitor
> {
>     osg::ref_ptr<osgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager> _am;
>     AnimationManagerFinder()
> {setTraversalMode(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN); }
>     void apply(osg::Node& node) {
>         if (_am.valid())
>             return;
>         if (node.getUpdateCallback()) {
>             _am =
> dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager*>(node.getUpdateCallback());
>             return;
>         }
>         traverse(node);
>     }
> };

   - In the previous code snippet, the *BasicAnimationManager*, if it is
   found, will be stored on the variable* '_am' *located at *finder._am.*
   - in your main function:

AnimationManagerFinder finder;
> root->accept(finder);

   - then you can recuperate the *AnimationList* avalaible in your fbx file
   like this:

const osgAnimation::AnimationList& animations =
> finder._am->getAnimationList();

   - Finally, you can do what ever you want: play the animation on the *
   osgViewer*, get the *Duration*, the *StartTime*, the *Name *of the
   animation... specify the *PlayMode*..

finder._am->playAnimation( animations[an].get() );

std::cout << "name animation: " << animations[an]->getName() << std::endl;

I hope I helped :) please feel free to respond to this topic to ameliorate

Have a nice day*
*M. ALJI **Mohamed *


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