Hi Thirston,

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Thorsten Brehm <bre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks for looking into the txf font issue. Your patch fixed the issue for
> me - thanks resolving this so quickly!

Good to hear things working better again.

> I got one report though, saying the txf font is still slightly larger than
> it used to be - so some of our text labels don't fit any longer. I haven't
> been able to see/compare this myself though. I'll try that in a few days.

Text sizing will be a little different as I there were bugs in the way
that 2D and 3D
text was sized, while now the two are consistent, and different
resolutions of the
glyphs don't affect the results.   These bug fixes will lead to changes in sizes
which is difficult to avoid - the new sizing should be more accurate
to what size
is actually requested, but this doesn't help you if the original coder
has adjusted the
sizing to account for the previous sizing.

I guess the best way to handle it would be to adjust the sizing depending
upon OSG version, or simply reduce the label sizing so that the new text labels
are correct w.r.t OSG svn/trunk.  The later approach would lead to labels that
are too small but if the difference isn't significant you might be
able to get away
with this.

I'll be releasing the next dev release this week and I really don't want OSG-3.0
to be too far out, so shoudl be out in time for the next rev of
OpenFlight unless
this is imminent.  What is the schedule for the next OpenFlight release?

> And btw: we've been presenting FlightGear at LinuxTag/Berlin last week. We
> were busy all days, so people obviously really liked our "little" flight-sim
> setup - with 10 TFT displays driven by a single system with 5 graphics
> cards:
> http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/3381/08stand2.jpg
> We used another smaller setup to show stereoscopic (anaglyphic) view - both
> proved to be real eye catchers. A number of people specifically asked which
> graphics engine enabled this. So, thanks to you - and everyone else here
> contributing to osg!

10 displays, that's impressive number to be driven by a single machine.  What
is the framerate like?

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