Thanks Robert for your reply, I'm new with OSG but I think the osgForest 
example will helps.

I will try to explain a bit what I'm looking for.

My graph is very simple at the moment. It represents a seaport and I need to 
work with the containers(leaf nodes in the graph).

I want to represent in my Scene the seaport with a lot of containers (about 
300.000), but now I'm working with less trying to improve the frame rate.

The containers are organized in streets and each street is divided in other 
structures to organize it until we have the container class to work with it.

Each class inherit from Group except the container (PAT). I have this structure:

                                        () Group
                                       |  |
                                      |    |
                                     ()...() Group
                                    |  |
                                   |    |
                                  ()...()  .... Group
                                 |  |
                                |    |
                               ()...()  .... Group
                              |  |
                             |    |
                            ()...()  .... PAT (Container)

Each container points to the same Geode because they are the same object (a 
simple box in this case) but using a translate operation.

1st doubt: Is this the best way to organize the scene graph? Am I using too 
much nodes?

2nd doubt: Best techniques to improve the drawing time? Back Face Culling? 

I don't know if I have explained it well or only made it more difficult to 

Any opinion will be helpful.



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