Hello Bart,

Is there a way to setup osgOcean such that each time viewer.frame() is called, 
it only progresses a fixed time step?

See here:


By default, osgOcean updates its ocean technique using real elapsed time, but you can use OceanAnimationCallback to give it whatever simulation time you want. You just override the operator() and in it, call update(..., mySimTime), like this:

class MyOceanAnimationCallback : public osgOcean::FFTOceanSurface::OceanAnimationCallback
        MyOceanAnimationCallback () {}

        virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
            double simulationTime = ...; // get simulation time
            update(node, nv, simulationTime);

And set it on your ocean surface like this:

  oceanSurface->setOceanAnimationCallback(new MyOceanAnimationCallback);

I implemented this feature because we do networked simulations on multiple machines, and this allows us to synchronize the animation of the ocean on all machines given a synched simulation time value that is propagated on the network.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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