Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to implement a fairly dense forested area and simply adding
in a bunch of osg::MatrixTransform nodes predictably causes the cull to
crash. I could try reorganizing the scene around an oct-tree as was
suggested by a previous discussion on this topic, but for draw
performance reasons, since each tree is the same model, I would like to
use the "new" draw instanced arb. I see that osgdrawinstanced has been
referenced in many similar threads, but osgdrawinstanced creates its
geometry on the fly, and in doing so can quite easily use the command
syntax for instancing. I am trying to apply the technique to a loaded
model and there is no obvious easy method.

My question is this, if I load a file using 


How would I set it up for instanced drawing? 

My guess is that I would need to write a node-visitor that collects all
of the geometry -> drawables and sets them up to use the instanced call
overload instead of the default. I have tried doing this, but my
implementation has gotten pretty complex, and I want to make sure there
isn't a more simple way I have overlooked.

Thank you very much for your time.

Michael A Bosse'

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