Hi Clement,

On 16 January 2012 06:21,  <clement....@csiro.au> wrote:
>   My application is using osgvolume to display CT data.  There is class 
> called CompositeProperty and there are three property classes 
> (AlphaFuncProperty, SampleDensityProperty and TransparencyProperty) as well.  
> I would like to know more details of those classes and how to apply on 
> osgvolume.  I did to follow the example to use those classes, but when I 
> changed the value of SampleDensityProperty from 0.05 to 0.5.  Some CT data 
> are disappear, so I would like to know more how to control property values.  
> Many thanks.

AlphaFuncProperty is equivalent to glAlphaFunc and sets the alpha
value below which fragments will be discarded

TransparencyProperty is an alpha value multiplier that you can use to
make your volume more transparent.

SampleDensityProperty controls the size of the step during the ray
tracing through the volume, the lower the value
the more samples, the higher the value the less the samples.  If you
use a value of 0.5 you'll only get 3 samples which clearly won't be

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