
I just want to add that i'm currently trying to read depth buffer in an 
"osg::Image" object thanks to this topic: "render depth buffer to image for one 
time" (sorry i can't post link)
However, even if it doesn't work for now, i hope this will soon work.

I have seen the kdtree solution to speed the polytope compute algorithm (not 
test yet).
I also tried to store only the nearest point in polytope while I add them in 
the Intersections typedef (change for std::list instead of std::set in osg 
solution).  the method i customized is void 
PolytopeIntersector::intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv, osg::Drawable* 
What I made gave me one of the nearest point, but not the one i'm looking for-> 
I must didn't get something important...
Now I use the original PolypeIntersector, but here is what i made. Maybe, if 
someone can tell me what's wrong, my problem will be solved...

Custom Polytope intersector


typedef std::list<Intersection> Intersections;

inline void insertIntersection(Intersection& intersection) { 

inline Intersections& getIntersections() { 
        return _parent ? _parent->_intersections : _intersections; 

inline Intersection getFirstIntersection() { 
        Intersections& intersections = getIntersections(); 
        return intersections.empty() ? Intersection() : (intersections.back()); 

and intersect method:


if(hit < getFirstIntersection() || !containsIntersections())

I'm sure this problem has already been solved, and i ask for clue in order to 
not test all possible solutions ;)

Thank you for your help!

Jeremie ;)

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