 this is probably a daft question, but as I am a noob to the Android-OSG combo, 
I hope you will be gentle. I have built the android osgAndroidExampleGiLES1 and 
I tried to load,  one of my osg models (nothing fancy, just a bunch of cubes 
and cylinders). These models display perfectly in the Viewer in Linux or 
Windows, and the cubes and cylinders, have their right colours, with the right 
shades and all. However, in the Android viewer all is grey (even though the 
shades are fine). If I turn the light off in the Android viewer then the 
colours appear, but they are flat, no shades, no way to even recognise the 
edges of the cubes or anything at all. 
I am guessing it has something to do with lighting, but I cannot work out what 
the difference between the android viewer and the linux/windows one. Can anyone 
point me in the right direction? Much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!


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