Hi Glenn,

Yes, it definitely sounds like a fairly large implementation task, but a geomorph (as Shayne put it), seems like the most generic fix to the popping issue.

Best regards,

On 04/24/2012 12:54 PM, Glenn Waldron wrote:
osgEarth's "LOD Blending" function does this for imagery - it references two LOD textures per tile (level n and level n+1) and blends then in the shader based on camera distance.

We are (once again) considering implementing something similar for heightfield data in the next version of osgEarth. The idea is that you use the vertex shader to alter a heightfield patch on the GPU using vertex texture lookups. Supply n and n+1 heightfields and "morph" between them using the shader.

But..it's complicated. If you go down the route of creating and/or tessellating terrain on the GPU, you need to consider things like intersection testing and shadowing and other things that (currently) rely on having triangles on the CPU.

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 7:47 AM, John Vidar Larring <larr...@weatherone.tv <mailto:larr...@weatherone.tv>> wrote:


    Thankfully, there's a lot of people on this list using osgTerrain,
    which means that hopefully others have pondered about the same
    issue that we are currently having when rendering high resolution
    terrain: the visual "popping" of terrain tiles in the terrain.

    In the sample videos below, we have tweaked the lighting to make
     the visual effect more obvious:


    Since we normally work with large high resolution terrains, we
    would like to keep the geodetic-quadtree structure of the pagedLOD
    database, but we're a bit unsure about how to address the
    "popping" issue within this framework. One approach could possibly
    be to implement some kind of heightfield interpolation between
    LOD-n and its four children in LOD-n+1 based on camera
    distance*LOS_scale over a fraction of max/min view distance for
    the two LOD levels...(?) .

    What approach / strategy would you suggest? Anyone who have have
    tried and succeeded/failed and willing to share their experience?

    A similar discussion for terrain rendering in osgEarth is
    discussed here:

    Best regards,

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