
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Christian Schulte
<> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm facing a problem in our flight simulation environment, where we want to
> make the fog camera dependent ( in order to have cameras without fog for
> simulation control). I tried to follow the 2009 thread "[osg-users] Set fog
> in the canera StateSet" and succeded to implement a non variyng fog. But in
> our case we have a statesetcallback for changing the parameter of the fog
> and one for activating disactivating the fog.
> But, adding the fog to our different views, neither the
> vesaFogUpdateCallback nor the vesaFogEnableUpdateCallback are accessed
> anymore... This is the code I tryed to implement :
>         BOOST_FOREACH(propTreeNode & v,
> arbreUtile->getOptionalChildProperties(""))
>         {
>             propTreeHolder pView(&v.second);
>             if(pView.empty() ||"msgFile")==0 ||
>                 continue;
>             std::string name = v.first;
>             osgViewer::View* view = new osgViewer::View;
I don't know if this is pseudo-code or not, but generally you don't
create more than one Viewer per application; instead you use
CompositeViewer or slave cameras in one Viewer. However, if this is
working for you, who am I to say different :)
>             view->setName(name);
>             addView(view);
>             view->setSceneData(root);
>             view->getCamera()->setName(name);
>             view->getCamera()->setClearColor(fog->getColor());
> view->getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(fog,
> osg::StateAttribute::ON);
>                 fog->setUpdateCallback(new vesaFogUpdateCallback);
> view->getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()->setUpdateCallback(new
> vesaFogEnableUpdateCallback);
>             }
>         }
> The solution I found is to create an UpdateCallback for each camera which
> implements the code present in both my old Fog callbacks.
> Does anyone have an idea of why the UpdateCallBack of the stateset does not
> work when associated to a camera ? What am I doing wrong ?
Viewer only runs an UpdateVisitor on a camera if it has an update
callback. This may be a small bug, as you have discovered, as it
ignores the possibility that the camera's state set could have update
callbacks. I believe you will find that your state set update callback
will get run even if you install an empty callback on the camera node.

> Moreover, I initially tried to activate desactivate the osf::Fog, the
> osg::Light and the osgParticle::PrecipitationEffect using a
> NodeMask/CullMask logic for each camera. It works for the
> PrecipitationEffect, but doesn't for the Fog and the Light. Is it a normal
> behaviour or is there something wrong in my code (in which case I would show
> you the code).
I'm not sure what you mean, as Fog and Light aren't scene graph nodes.
Be sure that any StateAttribute objects have their data variance set

> Thankyou for your help,
> SCHULTE Christian
> Research  Engineer
> in charge of the Simulation Laboratory
> System Control and Flight Dynamics Department
> Simulation and Flight Testing Unit
> ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
> Ecole de l'Air - BA 701
> 13661 SALON cedex AIR
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