
I'm new in OSG, I'm using 
"root/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/examples/osgcluster/osgcluster.cpp" code #1 and this 
works perfect with one compute node tiled display. My problem is when I mix 
with the following code # 2. Open 2 windows, obviously. Because I need to use 
the "mouse pick" and keyboard to change color with the use of a few keys, This 
allows me to code #2.

The tutorials don't help me, weren't helpful.

Group *scene = startupScene();
osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
return viewer.run();

osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
viewer->setUpViewInWindow( 0, 0, 512, 512 );
viewer->setSceneData( CreateScene() );
return viewer->run();

- What is the difference between these codes?
- Can I mix this codes?
- How I can mix this codes to see on one frame or one window?
- Still works with the option of looking at the computer node with osgCluster 
same as before?
- Can I run on the head node the application and I see their movements on a 
Tiled display nodes?

I am sorry if the answer is very simple or obvious. I'm starting with this 

PD. In abstract, I'm doing a project for distribution and parallelization, with 
compute nodes and tiled display wall nodes. I use OpenMPI, too. If I can solve 
my problems upload the code so you can see the code mixes that I did with the 
/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/examples codes of OSG.

Thank you!

Kleber xD

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