
To save some memory I am trying to use 3 unsigned bytes for the color of my 
vertices (they are generated) instead of the 4 floats I had before. 

Before it was set to Vec3Array, and now Vec3bArray. (actually last thing I 
tried is Vec4bArray), but I only get black colors. 

I'm sure I'm not passing black colors, even if I do this:

colors->push_back( osg::Vec4b((unsigned char)255, (unsigned char)255, (unsigned 
char)255, (unsigned char)255) );

for each vertex, I still get black only. Is there some problem with using vec3b 
or vec4b for the color array for the vertices? It seems logical to do cause 
textures also use 1 byte per color, and not 1 float per color.

Oh and it does work when I switch back to Vec4fArray, so I didn't mess anything 
else up... 

So any idea what could be the problem here?

Thank you!


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