
I'm developing a simulation involving multiple bots in the same world.  The 
requirements in terms of views are as follows:

a) Ability to show static world cameras
b) Ability to show bot cams
c) Ability to move these views around and/or stack them

I am using Qt and OSG to accomplish these tasks.

I have made an OSGWidget that uses an Osg Viewer to render the scene inside a 
QGLWidget.  This OSGWidget is in turn put inside a QDockWidget that can be 
moved around and/or stacked, fulfilling that requirement.

The problem is that when using multiple singular viewers to render the same 
scene in different widgets, I get strange render behavior.  Namely, textures do 
not display properly or sometimes even at all.

I have looked around the forums and while people have had similar problems, but 
the only responses I have seen have involved switching to an Osg 
CompositeViewer.  For my purposes, I would like to avoid using that as it 
breaks my desired requirement of movable and stackable widgets rendering the 
same scene.

Is this an intractable situation that just isn't easily handled by Osg?  If 
anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate some insight.  I can provide 
code snippets if needed, but as this might just be a contradiction to Osg's 
ideology I will wait to get some responses. 

Thank you very much,


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