Hi Kim,

I wrote PrecipitationEffect for a driving simulator quite a few years back.
The scales of the bricks used in the rendering is tailored to what works
well for town scenes and driving speeds.  The scales doesn't work well for
high speeds and large landscapes that you'll have with a flight simulator.

It should be possible to adapt to work with the large scales but the
techniques used would probably be stretched too far and would no longer be
visually compelling.  For a flight simulator speeds and scales it would
probably be best to come up with alternative implementations.  It might be
that you could provide a consistent interface but just change the back end
implementation for the different scales.


On 30 April 2013 10:33, Kim JongBum <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:

> Hi, guys
> we are developing Flight Simulator using OSG
> and would like to render snow / rain effect on the scene
> so we used PrecipitationEffect for the effect
> here is questions
> if i move the orientaion and coordinates of camera,
> the PrecipitationEffect can follow the camera????
> in our scene, the PrecipitationEffect only render snow/rain locally
> we would like to render snow/rain whole the scene(terrain)
> could you help me out the problem?
> and PrecipitationEffect doesn't work with large terrain and ephemeris
> cuz if i move camera position of direction, PrecipitationEffect disappears
> gradually
> is there someone how to solve this problem
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers :D
> ------------------
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> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=53865#53865
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