Hello everyone! I'm running into a problem in my application where I'm trying to switch between two different subgraphs as the result of some event (key press or similar). The first of these two objects is a standard subgraph with nothing too sophisticated going on. The second of these is a RTT "stack" of Camera objects.

The problem manifests in that if I switch FROM the standard graph (just a random grouping of models) to the RTT Camera stack, the bounds of the previous node are used for the RTT Camera. This means that while the same scene rendered within my RTT stack is fine as long as you don't adjust the view matrix, as soon as you move the scene around it begins to get culled. I can remedy this problem by disabling culling on the main viewer camera when my RTT stack is "in effect", but I feel like I'm doing something wrong... the reason I think this is because I can add the RTT stack to my scene as the FIRST scene (and never toggle it to anything else) and the culling occurs correctly. The problem only manifests when I switch from the RTT stack to a standard node AND THE BACK to the RTT scene.

Has anyone tried anything like this in the past? Does anyone have any hints? :)
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