On 5/31/2013 10:40 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt wrote:
Hi Robert,
Hi Pjotr,

On 31 May 2013 08:09, Pjotr Svetachov <pjotrsvetac...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is actually an issue with the visual studio 2012 library, see here for an explanation: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/733720/
Thanks for the link, explains the tangled mess of hacks that got MS
into a situation where valid code produces irrelevant warnings...
umm.... sounds like they've been making some great engineering

So.. for us we either stop inheriting from fstream etc. or we disable
the warning locally using a #pragma.  We already have a series of
#pragma for windows in include/osg/Export.  We could easily add 4250
to the list of disabled warnings.  I'd rather keep disabling warnings
to the minimum, perhaps a local #pragma that is just set for the
include/osgDB/fstream header.  Can we push/pop #pragma's under
Yes you can. But this might not help in all cases. At least we can try:

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( push)

#pragma warning( disable : 4250)

#pragma warning( pop )

Also please note, that there are non-suppressible warnings in VS.

Hi all,
I gave that a try, but that did not remove all of the C4250 warnings, although I think the number of warnings was reduced. so I submitted a modified CMakelist.txt disabling the warning on the top level.

Regards, Laurens.

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