
For a project I work on I try to build a visualizer for a flight simulator.

When trying to build all the stuff I need to I run into strange behavior when 
using osg with huge units.

For example compare the two code


Only the lines 21 and 22 are changing. To sum here I only want to put a sphere 
(1m radius) very far from the origin (something like the earth radius in fact). 
In the first case I created the sphere directly far from the origin and in the 
second case I create it at the origin and then move it away using a 

While the two way should give the them result I get very different result. The 
first case don't work well and here is why I got:

[Image: http://t.imgbox.com/abgajZ7H.jpg ] (http://imgbox.com/abgajZ7H) 

The second case work way better and here is my result:

[Image: http://t.imgbox.com/acyiv91j.jpg ] (http://imgbox.com/acyiv91j) 

So could you explain what I get this difference ? Is it because OpenGL uses 
float under the hood and so the value I use are too big? Similarly, I saw that 
even using the technique described in the second case this stop to work when I 
use bigger numbers. For example try with 1e+10 and none of the code above will 
work. So can you provide tips for building a visualizer which should handle 
planetary size value with both small and big assets ?

Thank you!



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