in my Qt application I'm experiencing some issues when the viewer is reduced to 
0 height. I reduce the viewer size to 0 height then I increase its height again 
and when I try to interactively rotate the (no more visible - see below) scene 
with mouse (through a trackabll manipulator) I get the following dump on screen:

CullVisitor::apply(Geode&) detected NaN,
    depth=-1.#IND, center=(35 0 -2.14577e-006),
        1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN
        1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN
        1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN 1.#QNAN
        0 0 -98 1

Moreover my 3D scene is not visualized anymore.

So I tried with osgviewerQt example and the 3D scene disappears here too. Is it 
a known issue? I'm investigating on it to understand the point but if someone 
already found the cause or a solution please let me know.


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