Greetings All!

I just went through the same thing! It would be good to make note of it some 
ware in a readme about it! I had to search though the forum to figure it out 
and I'm not sure I like the fix, but I can't find any better idea to work 
around it, but it works. 

The only other advice I have is to make sure you preinstall G-Dal and test it 
before you compile Open Scene Graph and VPB to them. I used G-Dal 1.10.1 that 
has installs and prebuilt lib’s  and include that worked well for me.

I used Visual Studio 2010 Professional with Service Pack 1 added. 

The only other suggestion I have is to add a command line shell that you can 
use to run VPB properly. I hacked mine using the shell that I found on the 
G-Dal core install and modified it so it can see all the g-dal stuff.

I learned by antialiasing Q-GIS that the best way to do OSG anything in Windows 
is to have all the lib and executables in a single directory and use it from 

I moved all the binary’s to a single directory starting with the OSG binary 
stuff I compiled plus the plug-ins and adding the VPB stuff on top of that! I 
make sure that I added that to my path environmental variable.  

I open up the vpb command line shell, cd to the directory that I what to build 
my stuff and let her rip! No complaints yet!!

David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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