HI David,

I'm don't have time to look at the code right now so will just provide
some general hints.  The serailizers have SO version built into them
so you can add or remove components of the serializer based on the SO
version of the OSG.  There are number of places in the OSG serailizers
that you can look at for inspiration, for instance
src/osgWrappers/serializers/Node.cpp has:

    ADD_USER_SERIALIZER( Descriptions );  // _descriptions, deprecated
        REMOVE_SERIALIZER( Descriptions );

Have a search through the serializers to see the
UPDATE_TO_VERSION_SCOPED used in various ways.


On Thu, 26 Jul 2018 at 13:57, David Stephan <stephandav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> osgSim::MultiSwitch and flt files support named switches, but the names 
> aren't saved. It seems like an easy fix, though I'm not sure how to mess with 
> the serializer in a backwards compatible way.
> relevant files:
> src/osgSim/MultiSwitch.cpp
> src/osgWrappers/serializers/osgSim/MultiSwitch.cpp
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