Hi Wasi,

Everything your report points to driver bugs and such will be hard to
pinpoint and workaround.  Try to find updated drivers.


On 3/28/07, S.Wasi Mohsin Raza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Robert,

Thanks for the reply. We have tried the program on different cards, it has
worked on NvidiaFX5600, NvidiaGo7800, Mobility Radeon9200 , but has failed
on relatively newer Quadro 1300 and Millenium, amongst other professional
Moreover, if we replace the same image with the image used in the example
texture2D, the example program works on an intel built-in graphic card on
Windows XP, but almost the same code does not work on that machine, when
used with Qt or WxWidgets, which leads me to believe that there may be
something wrong with the OpenGL (QGLWidget) window initialization (though
since the same executable is working on other machines so it can't be the
code alone that has the problem). The solution may be relatively simple, but
nothing we have tried so far has worked, so I am looking for possible causes
of this problem.


Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On the machines that the texturing don't work it would be worth
checking to see if the TextureRectangle extension is supported. What
hardware is that doesn't work? Do you get any errors?


On 3/26/07, S.Wasi Mohsin Raza wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having a serious issue using textures in my 3d application that is
> osglib. the code is using TextureRectangle class of osg. Instead of
> displaying the texture mapped rectangle, it shows a white rectangle
> any texture. This does not happen on all computers. The application works
> fine and displays the texture correctly on my development machine.
> Platform: Windows XP, Visual C++ 2003, osglib 1.2
> Other libraries used: MFC, Qt
> Please help!
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