Hi Robert -- Would you object strongly to making dirtyBound() a virtual
In my custom node, I need to catch when the bounding box changes and make
some modifications to the scene graph as a result.
Currently, I'm overriding computeBounds() to do this. But because
computeBounds() is const, I have to cast away const in order to perform
non-const operations like modifying scene graph data. It turns out this
doesn't work anyway, because thread collisions occur in multithread
Dirtying the bounding box seems to be an inherently non-const operation. Yet
there doesn't appear to be a way for code to act on that change in a
non-const way. Changing the declaration of dirtyBound() to virtual would
allow custom Nodes to take non-const action on the bounding box change.
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
http://www.skew-matrix.com <http://www.skew-matrix.com/> 
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