#187: Add to gdal 1.7 support for ECW
Reporter:  aperi2007    |        Owner:  osgeo4w-...@…              
    Type:  enhancement  |       Status:  closed                     
Priority:  minor        |    Component:  Package                    
 Version:               |   Resolution:  wontfix                    
Keywords:               |  

Comment(by lutra):

 The download of the new sdk is now straightforward (no more erdas approval
 required) as it was the old one. Is this enough to consider adding
 gdal17-ecw to osgeo4w?

 Just asking, I don't want to say that the situation is now clear, I still
 don't like ecw and erdas (especially as Linux user, now that seems the new
 sdk is windows only). Nevertheless losing ecw support also under windows
 it will be bad for QGIS (and other projects), as we all know that
 unfortunately ecw support it a must for many users, and windows is still
 the most used desktop platform.


Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/187#comment:2>
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