I have been reading the spec on the Config Admin service, and I am a bit 
confused over the expected behaviour on the updated() method, esp after 
looking at the example...

 1. What does a null argument signify??

 2. The example sets the PID in the updated() method, but I get the impression
    that the PID is inside the config argument upon arrival, and one is not 
    allowed to change it over the lifetime of the service. Is the example in
    the spec really a good example? Or why is this happening?

 3. The spec says that the values in the Dictionary should be set back into
    the service properties of the registration, but, again, the example
    doesn't do this. Further, the Service layer spec says that service
    registration properties are NOT to be used for the functionality of the
    service, yet the Config Admin service spec seems to suggest that the
    Config Admin service indeed picks up the available properties to configure
    from the properties of the service registration. 

Can someone with a better understanding shed some light on these things?

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