For a factory component instance created (and activated) with newInstance, 
it does not really matter whether the instance is activated before it is 
registered as a service or not. It is probably more straightforward for 
the instance to be activated first and then registered as a service.

The main reason for (non-factory) components to be registered before being 
activated is to allow for lazy loading of the component class (and 
dependent classes). With a factory component, there is no need for this 
since the call to newInstance must immediately load the component class. 
Since there is no opportunity for laziness, activation before registration 
makes sense.

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

From:   Daniel Faber <>
Date:   2011/06/03 07:41
Subject:        [osgi-dev] Spec: DS factory component activation
Sent by:


I read the DS spec in OSGi 4.2 Compendium and I probably didn't
understand the following detail about factory components:

112.5.5 says: “The service registration must take place before the
component configuration is activated. Service unregistration must take
place before the component configuration is deactivated.”

That seems to be consistent with 112.2.4: “If the component specifies a
service, then the service is registered after the created component
configuration is satisfied with the component properties. Then the
component configuration is activated.”

But in Figure 112.4 “register” comes after “activate” which is – as far
as I understand – a contradiction of the rules quoted above.

Also in 112.5.5, below figure 112.4, there's this sentence: “This method
[newInstance] must create, satisfy and activate a new component
configuration and register its component instance as a service if the
component description specifies a service.”  Although this does not
define an order explicitly, the order of “activate” and “register” in
this sentence corresponds to figure 112.4.

So my question is:  If a component provides a service and a component
factory is used, what should happen first after a call to newInstance,
activation or registration?

If it is registration, then I don't understand why it is useful to
register a component as a service although it has not been activated.
Isn't there a chance that an uninitialized component instance is used as
a service in this case?  Or is it similar to delayed components, where
the component will be activated as soon as another bundle actually
requests the service?


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