> My team is developing a service platform on OSGi platform.
> One big concern of my boss is bundle resource monitoring/profiling on
> service bundles.
> That is, if a service bundle eats too much memory or CPU, can OSGi runtime
> detect this event and take some action?

I think the only way to do it in stock jvm & OSGi is to take advantage of
java security API which gives you the possibility collect bundle metrics as
they call through the security API. This gives you access to all
classloading, thread management, resource access, etc.

You will have to write a custom SecurityManager which tracks bundle
metrics, and also supports OSGi enhanced java security (perhaps extending
an existing implementation like

It will not be trivial, but it is as close as you can get in stock java
APIs (that or instrumenting the JVM, java.lang.instrument).

Furthermore, expect a considerable performance degradation, even without
customization, when using java security because it's quite intense.

*Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
<http://twitter.com/#!/rotty3000> | Senior Software Architect | *Liferay,
Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com>  <https://twitter.com/#!/liferay>


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