I imagine you could write your own custom tracker  which had methods to 
create objects using the tracked factory service. Since this class creates 
the object, it will know when to dispose of them. This issue is how the 
users of this class know the object was discarded. So you may to to hand 
out a guarded object which will return the created object if still valid 
or will attempt to create a new one if previously disposed. There is the 
risk that a request for the object from the guard will occur in the 
interregnum when the factory is unavailable. I suppose the guard could 
block briefly and then try again. But this only works if the code never 
holds the real object for any length of time and only hold the guard over 
the long term.

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

From:   Mike Wilson <mike...@hotmail.com>
To:     "'OSGi Developer Mail List'" <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>
Date:   2014/09/30 17:13
Subject:        Re: [osgi-dev] cleanup when factory bundles are updated
Sent by:        osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org

Thanks BJ,
Potentially we would have a fair amount of factory services, created by 
different people, that all would need to do this. Do you see any parts of 
this logic that could be extracted into a reusable entity to aid 
developers doing the right thing?
Interesting suggestion with prototype scope services as factories. It will 
be some time before we are on an R6 implementation, and we would have to 
rethink our patterns a little to remove creation arguments and add 
explicit cleanup, but I will definitely keep it in mind for the future. It 
is nice to see the OSGi framework allowing us manage objects in more 
flexible ways.
Best regards
BJ Hargrave wrote:
If the factory is a service, then bundle's using the service to create 
objects will need to track the service and destroy/discard all old objects 
when the service is unregistered. So if the factory service provider 
bundle is restarted, no other bundles need to restart, they just need to 
track the factory service. 

You could also look at prototype scope services introduced in Core R6 as 
an alternative to factories (unless you need to parameterize the object 

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

From:        Mike Wilson <mike...@hotmail.com> 
To:        "'OSGi Developer Mail List'" <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org> 
Date:        2014/09/30 13:07 
Subject:        [osgi-dev] cleanup when factory bundles are updated 
Sent by:        osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org 

Another question about best practices :-)

Assuming you have bundles that provide factories allowing other bundles to
instantiate objects with behaviour. Typically this would mean 
an "Impl" class belonging to the factory classloader and might also relate
to resources like network connections. Also assume that factories are
exposed as services with separate api and impl bundles.

What alternatives and best practices are there to handle this correctly 
updating the factory impl bundle (not the api) and needing to replace the
previously generated objects (belonging to the old classloader) that were
returned to clients?

And, more specifically:

What alternatives minimize the number of bundles that need to restart? (as
opposed to restarting the whole dependency graph)

What alternatives work well with Blueprint? (as BP tends to hide service
restarts behind its proxies)

Mike Wilson

OSGi Developer Mail List

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