If you register the cache as a service using ServiceFactory, then you will 
know the bundle that gets the service. You can then use that bundle's 
class loader. This would seem sufficient, or did I not fully understand 
the problem?

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

From:   Balázs Zsoldos <balazs.zsol...@everit.biz>
To:     OSGi Developer Mail List <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>
Date:   2014/11/20 06:07
Subject:        [osgi-dev] How to pass Classloader for a Cache component
Sent by:        osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org


we have several cache components that can store key-value pairs. The 
different implementations are:

Noop (No operation, the cache always says that it does not have the data, 
implements ConcurrentMap)
ConcurrentHashMap (for development and tests)
Infinispan (transactional and distributed ConcurrentMap)

When it comes to the point of distribution or hard drive storage, the 
following question is raised:

How to pass the Classloader that can deserialize the key and value classes 
to the cache?

Current solution

There is a cache-api that contains a factory interface. The classloader is 
passed to the createCacheHolder function. The cacheHolder can be closed 
when we do not want to use the cache anymore and it has a function that 
gives us back a concurrentMap.

The issue with this solution is that we have to keep three member 
variables in our component and initialize the cache in the activate 
method. The code looks a bit ugly.

Other possible solution

The cache component registers an OSGi service based on the Map, 
ConcurrentMap, CacheSpecificInterface interfaces. The one who want to use 
the created cache instance can use one of the interfaces that is 

E.g: In case of Infinispan, the cache registers an OSGi service with three 
interfaces: Map, ConcurrentMap, InfinispanCache.

The code on the consumer side looks cool, we need only one reference with 
type Map, ConcurrentMap or whatever. The API is much more flexible and 
simple. However, the classloader is not passed in this case.

I was thinking a lot and I came out with a weird idea:

In case the cache needs a ClassLoader, one of the configuration attributes 
is a filter expression for a bundle. The cache OSGi service is registered 
when that bundle is available and it uses the ClassLoader of the bundle.

E.g: We have the following cache configuration:

classLoaderBundle: (&(bundle.name=xy)(bundle.version>1.0.0)...)


Do you think this solution is too weird to use? Do you know any other 
options to solve this issue?

I am planning to create a new major release soon and it would be really 
helpful to find the best API / Configuration for this issue.

Balázs Zsoldos
OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

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