I am trying to express the following idea using DS:

   "If service X is provisioned in this container, do not activate me
until it is activated and injected into me. If service X is not
provisioned in this container, go ahead and activate me without it."

I fully appreciate that this concept is not compatible with the
generally dynamic approach of OSGi in general, and declarative
services in particular. However, I can think of a variation like:

  "I am willing to wait N seconds for service X. If it isn't there by
then, activate me without it."

I am taking a risk here -- it's always possible that some phenomenon
would result in a delay of longer than N. But in my case, the startup
properties of the containing application are such that this would be a
low risk.

Another possible approach would be to focus on provide/require
capability. I don't know how I would get DS to pay attention, but it
seems as if there's not enough information:

Provide-Capability: osgi.service;objectClass:List<String>="com.basiste

Note that any properties are not represented here. So if the
dependency is specific to some filter on properties, you can't use
this data.

At the extreme, I could take very close control of start order, and
then go ahead and use optional references. That's a lot of start order

Finally? I could use configuration admin, by setting the reference
cardinality as part of provisioning. To do this cleanly, I think I'd
want some sort of management layer that generated these 'minimum
cardinality properties'; editing it in something like Karaf's cfg
files would be quite messy.

Is there something I'm missing?
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