Thank you both for your reply and I am sorry I was not clear in the link
that I wanted but I got it.


On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Timothy Ward <> wrote:

> Actually I believe the prototype of the reference implementation is
> currently here but it
> will be moved into Apache Aries at some point soon. It’s nice to know that
> Amdatu is planning to offer a competing implementation though - it always
> makes for a better spec! :)
> Tim
> On 10 Nov 2016, at 11:51, Bram Pouwelse <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:50 PM David Daniel <>
> wrote:
>> Is there a link to the code where the refernce implementation is being
>> kept.  I would love to take a look at it.
>> Thanks David
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 3:08 AM, Tim Ward <> wrote:
>> I'll be there, and am happy to talk with you about it. These talks will
>> likely both be about the upcoming JAX-RS whiteboard specification from OSGi
>> Enterprise R7 - Liferay are building the reference implementation for it.
>> Tim
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 10 Nov 2016, at 08:01, Bernd Eckenfels <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Just noticed at the modconf2016 in Darmstadt (literary event next
>> Tuesday) there is also a Workshop on this topic:
>> [ I will be at the conference as well, so maybe we can meet and greet? ]
>> Modular Rest APIs using JAX-RS in OSGi (Workshop)
>> Ort: Lounge, Time: 11:30 - 13:20
>> Carlos Sierra Andrés
>> Core Engineer, Liferay
>> Abstract:
>> Building great APIs is essential in an increasingly interconnected world.
>> In the workshop we will show how to build REST APIs using well known Java
>> standards while dealing with complexity in an incremental way using OSGi.
>> We will build a REST API from scratch that will be consumed from a client
>> application. Creating JAX-RS application in a modular way Incremental
>> resources and providers Adaptable URL generation Deploying in a OSGi
>> container We will also introduce the ongoing OSGi RFC-217 for standarizing
>> JAX-RS inside OSGi containers.
>> Gruss
>> Bernd
>> --
>> On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 6:36 PM +0100, "Christian Schneider" <
>>> wrote:
>> On 08.11.2016 19:59, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> > Hi Scott,
>> >
>> > first let me say thank you for taking the time to address my concerns
>> > (sorry if they turned out as something other than just my personal
>> > concerns).
>> >
>> > I think I have gone a little bit too far with my argumentation.
>> >
>> > My conceptional understanding of RS/RSA currently is that it looks like
>> > a blueprint for creating heterogeneous service meshes or service grids.
>> > Is that assumption actually true?
>> RSA can be used to create service meshes and grids but it is not limited
>> to that quite big use case.
>> You can also scale very small and simply use it to export or import
>> services. Exporting a service just means putting some properties on it.
>> I just did an improvement for CXF DOSGi that allows to export services
>> by just adding one property:
>> The code also shows how to use ExportPolicy in practice. I think it
>> could be very handy for applying company wide policies to services. For
>> example you could add a logging intent to all services without touching
>> any user bundles.
>> On the import side you can use the Aries RSA config discovery together
>> with CXF-DOSGi to simply import a REST or SOAP service from the outside
>> world. The exporter of the service does not even have to use java. You
>> just need a correct java interface with the JAXRS 
>> annotations.
>> So I think RSA is also a very nice model to export and import services
>> with any supported protocol.
>> > So, my personal conclusion is that RS/RSA is about communicating with
>> > services across nodes/processes. As a result, I would never imply that
>> > any RS/RSA implementation must be able to expose my service via
>> > JAX-RS/HTTP. As a further result, RS/RSA as a standard is not suitable
>> > for the requirement of publishing a ReST endpoint using a JAX-RS
>> > annotated service, although some implementations might be.
>> > Don't get me wrong, I really am a standards-enthusiast and wherever
>> > possible/suitable, I favor a standard over a specific implementation.
>> > However, the scope of RS/RSA may include JAX-RS but cannot be relied on.
>> > So, at least portability is questionable here as well (same for
>> > osgi-jax-rs-connector).
>> This is correct. As the standard does not cover the specifics of JAX-RS
>> these specifics are not portable.
>> On the other hand JAX-RS is standardized so the portability is quite
>> good in practice. Even switching
>> from the JAX-RS connector to CXF-DOSGi and back is a very small step.
>> > In essence, I just wondered why multiple people advertised RS/RSA for
>> > the simple job of exposing a JAX-RS-annotated service via HTTP, despite
>> > the fact that simply CXF alone would be enough (which I'm using as well,
>> > btw.), starting with the programmatic way as described in [1]. Putting
>> > that in a DS-managed, configurable service and with a few tens of lines
>> > I was good to go. Turned out some hundred for production-grade, though. ;)
>> Using CXF programmatically is a good approach. It ties you to CXF but
>> that is not that problematic.
>> The programmatic way is easier to understand as it is more direct. It
>> allows to learn a lot about how CXF works.
>> For a bigger system I prefer RSA/CXF-DOSGi as it easily allows to apply
>> central policies and the decoupling from CXF in your user code is also
>> beneficial in this case.
>> Basically the idea is that a business programmer can focus on the
>> business code and keep the business code as clean from technological
>> artifacts as possible.
>> This is not completely possible with JAX-RS but at least you can often
>> avoid to have a CXF dependency. For SOAP, tcp and fastbin transports the
>> abstraction from the transport works very well as these are more RPC like.
>> Ideally I try to only use specs and small APIs in business code. This
>> makes the code much easier to test and maintain and also more portable.
>> > Anyway, I think I might have missed how "simple" RS/RSA implementations
>> > seem to be for the task of exposing a JAX-RS service via HTTP, so I'll
>> > give some a try on one of my services.
>> Yes that is something we have to advertise better. People have the
>> impression that RSA is complicated but for small use cases it is really
>> simple.
>> If you also try the more advanced features I would be really happy about
>> feedback of the current approach using intents and ideas for improvement.
>> Christian
>> --
>> Christian Schneider
>> Open Source Architect
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