It is really going to be determined by your httpservice implementation.  If
you are using Pax-Web like in karaf then there is a jetty.xml file that you
can change.  If you are using felix http service then many things are
configured via the config admin but you will have to look at their
documentation and code.  If you are just including the jetty bundles then I
am not sure.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Tim Ward <> wrote:

> Anybody? - someone must have wanted to do at least some of this? - I'm not
> looking for someone to do it all for me, I'm just asking for a clue as to
> where to start looking.
> On 14/11/2016 14:50, Tim Ward wrote:
> As you can tell I'm quite new to all of this (and therefore I'm not the
> other Tim Ward).
> So, I've got some servlets and filters and stuff running, and I've found
> out how to use configuration/configuration.json to configure the tiny
> number of parameters that are exposed that way (including changing the port
> number).
> But how do I tell Jetty other things I want it to do, which aren't exposed
> via configuration.json so far as I've been able to find documentation? - I
> can work out how to do this if I'm hand-coding an embedded Jetty server,
> but I can't work out how to do it when Jetty is running solely by virtue of
> my having declared some servlet and filter @Components.
> Some examples of the things I'd like to do:
> (1) Stop it serving some default index.html, which it seems to do unasked.
> (2) Turn on request logging.
> (3) Include the X-Ray stuff, but have it served from a different port to
> the one used for my servlets.
> (4) Include some security (eg basic authentication, set differently for
> different URLs)
> (5) Get it to dump out its configuration so that I do actually know
> whether my configuration changes are being recognised!
> (6) Allow install-time and run-time configuration changes (a
> configuration.json embedded in a JAR doesn't do that)
> (7) Get it to serve static HTML pages (and other resources) (I've read
> several times but don't, I'm afraid, understand a word of it - the first
> two paragraphs of the the When to Use? section are OK but then I get
> completely lost)
> --
> Tim Ward
> --
> Tim Ward
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