If you use karaf then I think the problem is that enroute configurer as well as the karaf set of fileinstall and config admin might produce two configs for you component.
Can you try to remove the configurer bundle?


On 23.11.2016 15:08, Tim Ward wrote:
Do you mean delete karaf\data and start all over again? - no, I haven't tried that.

On 23/11/2016 13:38, Dirk Fauth wrote:

Have you cleared the bundle cache in between?

Am 23.11.2016 13:42 schrieb "Tim Ward" <t...@telensa.com <mailto:t...@telensa.com>>:

    I have a @Component with immediate=true which fires up a thread
    in its @Activate to listen on a socket. The @Deactivate, if it
    were ever called, would kill the thread.

    What I appear to be seeing is that the @Activate is called twice
    with no call to @Deactivate (so I get two threads, one of which
    crashes because the port is in use).

    There may be a hint that this is connected to the processing of
    configuration.json, even though there is nothing in
    configuration.json for this particular @Component.

    Any ideas?

    When I shut down the system some time later there *are* two calls
    to the @Deactivate method logged, which suggests that it is being
    called and the logging is working. If I leave out the
    "immediate=true" there are no calls to @Activate.

Tim Ward

OSGi Developer Mail List

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

OSGi Developer Mail List

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